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ETSY shop
Teachers, home schoolers or parents - have a look in my ETSY shop for some helpful advice and guidance, ready made worksheets, slide designs and display printables. This page should give you a flavour of the products but go to the shop to see the full range.
Please try a free download to see the quality of the resources:
Click on the ETSY logo to see
the full range of products in Wardman Learning's shop.

Classroom displays
There are lots of alphabet bunting with science, art and literacy themes. There is also a growing collection of History title bunting. All professionally developed to be bright and engaging and make any classroom look amazing!

Painting P

Painting G

Painting R

Painting P
Painted alphabet bunting




Animal alphabet bunting

weather O

weather S

weather P

weather O
Weather alphabet bunting
Maths resources
There are lots of maths based games and table top supports to engage and motivate children of all ability levels. We are firm believers in VAK learning - visual, auditory and kinaesthetic - and many of our maths resources blend these 3 elements to reinforce key learning such as times tables.

Fortune Tellers for 1 to 12 times table. With visual folding instructions and a video link.

A brilliant set of times table posters that have a visual representation for the times table, a suggested way of acting out the times table as you chant linked to the image and incorporating the skip counting as rote learning. There is an extension activity of the children creating their own poster to take home to encourage them to learn their times tables by heart.

A table top support for SEND children but useful for all children. It contains a 100 square, multiplication square and the part-whole model for the 4 operations, as well as some other useful facts and figures for those who struggle with recall skills and overloading when dealing with maths problems.
Literacy resources
The shop has a range of handwriting, phonic, spelling and grammar classroom support to empower children to write like a professional journalist, author, poet or researcher.

This helpful writing book reminds children of the essential skills of writing - handwriting, writing process, sentence checking and on the inside is a personal dictionary to support spelling.
This poster provides a catchy way to teach and remember the letter formation families.
This bright and engaging Sounds Mat supports spelling so children can work independently and build up a fluency is spelling unknown words.
History resources
History is an amazing subject for cross curricular learning and emersive fun. These slides, bunting and printables should free teachers up to plan the fun stuff!

There are a range of periods covered including Romans, Egyptians, Ancient Greece, Ancient man and Vikings. There is also a range of resources including Powerpoint slide designs, printables and bunting.
Subject Leadership
These resources centre around the 2 subjects I have experience in leading and a passion for learning - Maths and History.

This range of supportive Powerpoints can be used to improve your subject knowledge as a History lead or can form a CPD experience for staff.

As maths lead for12 years, I've seen many initiatives, learning styles and learnt a lot about good practice in maths and leading a subject. I have a range of helpful powerpoints and documents to share.
Well being
No child or adult should ever feel sad being at school. I have a growing range of help for both children and adults in the shop.

This pack includes gratitude journals, mindful colouring, meditation activities and resilience training.

There are lots of colourful posters in the shop. These posters contain selected quotes from Eleanor Roosevelt. Carefully chosen to inspire and motivate children.

These activities provide children with the time and space to think. They can be used as an intervention for a child who struggles to regulate their emotions or as a whole class well being session.

I've seen the good, the bad and the down-right ugly of school leaders. These are my suggestions for leaders who want to create an atmosphere of respect and co-operation from the perspective of the classroom teacher. There are 8 mantras for reflective leaders who genuinely want to work collaboratively with staff.
The beginning and the end of the year
There are lots of resources to support 'Getting to know you' activities at the beginning of the school year and 'Thank you' activities for the closing of the year. There is also a calendar for teachers with inspirational quotes for each month to keep you motivated all year long.

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