I had come across Eleanor Roosevelt before. Her words were emblazoned on a wall in a primary school I had visited. I liked the quote but never had the time to find out any more about her. But then, recently, I watched a program about Franklin D Roosevelt, the American President from 1933-1945, and she came up again. Hardly surprising as she was his wife! A woman ahead of her time and with a lot to say. She is full of witty one liners and some of the most amazing sound bites that are used all the time today, such as absence makes the heart grow fonder and now is a gift and that is why it is called the present. I selected some of my favourite quotes that I felt would resonate with smaller children and produced some fantastic posters. Great for a motivational display, an empowering of young girls' minds and the idea that your dreams are believing in. One inspirational woman!
