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Your career

A primary teacher may be the only thing you ever dreamed of being or you could have fallen into it by chance.  We all have a different story but teaching develops some amazing skills and experiences that can make your CV look exceptional.

Planning from the beginning

Teaching can be the whole of your career or the start of a career.  There is a retention problem in the teaching profession due to the pressures that such an important job can place on people.  It is useful to think about your career path as early as possible so that you can develop the right skills and experience to help you on a path through the hierarchy of school life or to use your school experience as a stepping stone to something outside the classroom.

ECT career planning promo.jpg

Click on the PDF icon to download your career path document.  Read the guidance sheet to help you complete the plan and use the link to find out more about the personality types of the MBTI test.

Within the planning document it suggests that you read job descriptions for a range of school based roles so that you can gain the skills and experience needed to apply and progress to each of your planned steps.  Click on the images here to see a job description for that role.  The job descriptions have been found through a general Google search on the internet.

Executive Head

Senior Leadership Team




Classroom teacher with Subject Lead

ECT mentoring lead




Transferable skills

It might be that you would like to use classroom teaching as a stepping stone to other career opportunities.  The document here shows some of the careers your teaching skills can take you.  Click on the image to enlarge it. 


It is a working document and is being added to all the time so keep checking back with us.

career options document 1.jpg

Often teacher are not sure how to use their skills and experience from teaching in the 'real' or corporate world.  The document here shows the range of skills that teaching gives you but in corporate speak.  This should help you match your skills to job description criteria or support any personal statements you might want to make.  Keep checking back for updates to the document.

Adventures after teaching

If you feel that your teaching career has come to an end and would like to talk to like-minded people; then Adventures After Teaching is a great Facebook group.  You can chat with others teachers and ex-teachers and find out what kind of jobs they have gone on to do or if they can offer advice about school life.


Adventures after teaching

This is a positive and encouraging Facebook group.  It has a wealth of knowledge about using the skills you have gained from teaching to further your career outside the classroom.


Joanne, who is one of the admins for the Adventures after teaching Facebook group, also has her own website and company supporting teachers to transition out of teaching.  There is an academy you can join to show you in easy steps how to recognise and use your skills to secure other jobs.  The site has lots of training, resources and coaching to support a life after teaching.  Click on the image to go to the website.

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